Traffic Monitoring Requests


Residents can make request for transportation-related signs or traffic calming measures. See below for more information on specific request. Please note that decisions on transportation-related issues may be re-evaluated after a two-year period. For more information, please call the Town at 905-895-5193.

Street signage Graphic of green street sign

  • Making a request: Member(s) of Council makes a request to Director of Engineering. 
  • After the request is made: Town staff will review Ontario Traffic Council criteria and guidelines, conduct additional studies and consult with nearby affected households (three households on either side of the sign location) and if needed, review engineering concerns or safety factors. 
  • Decision process: Staff decide whether the request should be approved and report the results directly to the Councillor and any affected households.

Request for Stop Signs 

Image of red stop signMaking a request: Requests are made to a Ward Councillor, Regional Councillor or Mayor during a Committee of the Whole meeting by members of the public.

After the request is made:
  • If directed by Council, Town staff will: 
  • Conduct studies of the intersection 
  • Consult with affected households nearby (three households on either side of any proposed stop-sign location) 
  • Review engineering concerns or safety factors
Decision process: Staff will submit recommendations at Committee of the Whole meeting. Council decides whether the request should be approved.

School Crossings image of school crossing sign

Making a request: Requests are made to a Ward Councillor, Regional Councillor or Mayor at a Committee of the Whole meeting by the School Board or School Councils. 

After the request is made: 
If directed by Council, Town staff will: 

  • Conduct studies 
  • Consult with affected households nearby (three households on either side of the proposed location) 
  • Review engineering concerns or safety factors 

Decision Process: Staff submit recommendations at Committee of the Whole meeting. Council decides whether the request should be approved.Im

Active Transportation Routes (Bike Lanes, Trails, and Roads) 

Making a request: Staff to notify Council. 

After the request is made: 

  • Notify or consult with all households fronting or flanking the street/study area
  • Communicate Public Information Centre on project through social media and Town Page ads

Decision Process: Staff submit recommendations at a Committee of the Whole meeting. Council decides whether the request should be approved.

Parking Restrictions Image of no parking signage

Making a request: Residents submit a petition to their Ward Councillor, Regional Councillor or Mayor to present at a Committee of the Whole meeting. Petition must have 25% support or more of the households on that street or section of the street. 

After the request is made:
If directed by Council: 

  • A survey is distributed to the affected households (50% or more must respond to this survey for process to continue and 60% or more of responses should be positive). The process ends if there is not enough support. 
  • Review engineering concerns or safety factors if there is enough support for the changes. 

Decision Process: Staff submit recommendations at a Committee of the Whole meeting. Council decides whether the request should be approved.

Traffic Calming Measures Traffic Calming Measures sign

Making a request: To request a change to existing traffic-calming measures along a street, residents submit a petition to their Ward Councillor, Regional Councillor or Mayor to be presented at a Committee of the Whole meeting. The petition must have 25% support or more from the households on that street, with a minimum number of 10 households interested in considering a change to traffic-calming measures. 

After the request is made: 
If directed by Council:  

  • A survey is distributed to the affected households (50% or more must respond to this survey for process to continue and 60% or more of responses should be positive). The process ends if there is not enough support. 
  • Review engineering concerns or safety factors if there is enough support for the changes. 

Decision Process: Staff submit recommendations at a Committee of the Whole meeting. Council decides whether the request should be approved. 

Other issues: General Guidelines 

Making a request: Requests made by Ward Councillor, Regional Councillor or Mayor at Committee of the Whole meeting. 

After the request is made: 
If directed by Council:

  • Determine if there are operational or safety issues. 
  • Evaluate if community decision issues meet requirement of 50% return on surveys with 60% positive support for requested change. 
  • Review engineering concerns or safety factors if there is enough support for the requested change. 
  • Notify households that are directly impacted and affected by the requested change. 

Decision process: Staff submit recommendations at a Committee of the Whole meeting.  Council decides whether the request should be approved.