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  • Notice of Passing a By-law to designate the following property to be of cultural heritage value and interest pursuant to the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. (480 Eagle Street)

    Created: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

    Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket, on February 10, 2025, passed By-law Number 2025-40, under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18 ("the Act"), to designate the following property to be of cultural heritage value and interest:

    480 Eagle Street, Newmarket, Ontario


    In accordance with Section 29(11) of the Act, any person who objects to the By-law may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) by providing a notice of appeal to the OLT and the Town Clerk.

    This notice of appeal must:

    1. Be filed within 30 days of the publication of the notice of passing (publication was on February 18, 2025) and by 4:30 p.m. on March 20, 2025 (the filing of an appeal after 4:30 p.m., in person or electronically, will be deemed to have been received the next business day) to the attention of the Town Clerk, either via the OLT e-file service (first-time users will need to register for a My Ontario Account) at by selecting Newmarket as the Approval Authority or by email at [email protected], or in person or by mail at the Municipal Offices, 395 Mulock Drive, Newmarket, ON, P.O Box 328 STN, L3Y 4X7; and,
    2. Set out the objection(s) to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection(s); and,
    3. Be accompanied by the fees charged by the OLT and the Town of Newmarket. The OLT appeal fee of $1,100 can be paid online through e-file or by certified cheque/money order to the Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario. If you wish to appeal to the OLT or request a fee reduction for an appeal, forms are available from the OLT website at The Town of Newmarket's fee is $200.82 and must be paid in person at the Town of Newmarket's Customer Service Department or by phone at 905-895-5193.

    The appeal form is available from the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) website:

    The last date to file a notice of appeal in relation to this By-law is March 20, 2025.

    Additional information, including a full description of the reasons for designation is available upon request from Umar Mahmood, Planner, Committee of Adjustment and Cultural Heritage at 905-953-5300, extension 2458, or at [email protected] during regular business hours.

    Dated at the Town of Newmarket this 18th day of February 2025.

    Town Clerk/Town of Newmarket

    2025-40 - 480 Eagle St.pdf