Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket, on February 10, 2025, passed By-law Number 2025-12, under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18 ("the Act"), to designate the following property to be of cultural heritage value and interest:
161 Church Street, Newmarket, Ontario
LT 11 PL 29 LT 12 PL 29 PT LT 13 PL 29 PT LT 20 PL 29 AS IN R155598; S/T R339760; TOWN OF NEWMARKET
In accordance with Section 29(11) of the Act, any person who objects to the By-law may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) by providing a notice of appeal to the OLT and the Town Clerk.
This notice of appeal must:
- Be filed within 30 days of the publication of the notice of passing (publication was on February 18, 2025) and by 4:30 p.m. on March 20, 2025 (the filing of an appeal after 4:30 p.m., in person or electronically, will be deemed to have been received the next business day) to the attention of the Town Clerk, either via the OLT e-file service (first-time users will need to register for a My Ontario Account) at https://olt.gov.on.ca/e-file-service/ by selecting Newmarket as the Approval Authority or by email at [email protected], or in person or by mail at the Municipal Offices, 395 Mulock Drive, Newmarket, ON, P.O Box 328 STN, L3Y 4X7; and,
- Set out the objection(s) to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection(s); and,
- Be accompanied by the fees charged by the OLT and the Town of Newmarket. The OLT appeal fee of $1,100 can be paid online through e-file or by certified cheque/money order to the Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario. If you wish to appeal to the OLT or request a fee reduction for an appeal, forms are available from the OLT website at https://olt.gov.on.ca/. The Town of Newmarket's fee is $200.82 and must be paid in person at the Town of Newmarket's Customer Service Department or by phone at 905-895-5193.
The appeal form is available from the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) website: https://olt.gov.on.ca/.
The last date to file a notice of appeal in relation to this By-law is March 20, 2025.
Additional information, including a full description of the reasons for designation is available upon request from Umar Mahmood, Planner, Committee of Adjustment and Cultural Heritage at 905-953-5300, extension 2458, or at [email protected] during regular business hours.
Dated at the Town of Newmarket this 18th day of February 2025.
Town Clerk/Town of Newmarket
2025-12 - 161 Church St.pdf