The Canada Post strike is impacting mail services to and from the Town of Newmarket. During the strike, we are not able to send out or receive standard mail. The Town will use couriers to deliver tickets for speed camera violations, Accounts Receivable invoices, and other correspondence as required. The Town is also utilizing alternate methods to deliver correspondence when possible, including electronic communication and hand delivery of mail.
During the strike, please access Town Services and make payments electronically (see options below) or in person at one of our Town Facilities. Please visit our website for Customer Service hours of operation at our facilities.
The following services are also available online:
Important Note: If you mailed a cheque after November 11, 2024, we recommend you cancel it and deliver a replacement to our Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive). A drop box is available after hours.
We are monitoring the situation and will provide updates as needed. For more information, contact us at 905-895-5193 or [email protected]
Thank you for your understanding.