Proclamations, Lighting Requests and Community Flags


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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The Town has a new process for accepting requests from individuals and organizations requesting that the Town issue a proclamation for a particular event.

Requests for the Town to proclaim a specific day, week, or month to acknowledge efforts, commitments and achievements of organizations and community groups and to recognize public awareness campaigns, charitable fundraising campaigns and arts celebrations of significance to the Town are now being accepted online.

Lighting Requests

In addition, an individual or an organization can request that the Riverwalk Commons and the Fred A. Lundy Bridge (located on Water Street) be illuminated in a particular colour to commemorate the event. Please note that the lights are only visible during the evening hours, which may vary depending on the time of year.  

Community Flag Raisings

A community flag raising at the Community Flag Pole at the Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive) can also be requested. Please note that requests for a particular day will be approved on a first come first serve basis. If there is a Town event, that requires the Town flag to be flown, that Town event will take precedence over any applications for a Community flag raising request received. Community flag raising requests will be approved for a maximum of 7 days.

To submit a proclamation, lighting request or community flag raising, complete this application form.  Submit your request 3 weeks in advance of the date of your request.  Please do not submit your request more than 3 months in advance.

In accordance with the Council-approved Policy, in order for a proclamation, lighting request or community flag raising to be approved, it must fall into one of the below categories:

  • Public Awareness Campaign
  • Charitable Fundraising Event
  • Arts and Culture Celebration
  • Honoring individual(s), institution(s) or organization(s) for special achievements

Proclamation, lighting requests or community flag raisings for the following categories will not be approved:

  • Political parties or political organizations
  • Promotion of business or commercial enterprise
  • Matters inciting hatred, or those that are discriminatory
  • Intent contrary to corporate policies or by-laws
  • Intent is to defame the integrity of the Town, Ontario or Canada
  • Matters which are untruthful

Approved proclamations, lighting requests and community flag raisings will be listed on this page of the Town's website. Approved lighting and community flag raisings will also be communicated to the public through the Town's social media.

Should you wish to invite the Mayor or a Member of Council to attend an event related to a proclamation, lighting request or community flag raising, please contact their offices directly.

If you wish to address Members of Council at a Council or Committee of the Whole Meeting, you may do so by making a deputation.

All approved proclamations, lighting requests and community flag raisings are available by selecting the appropriate year on the side menu or below: