Community Event Information & Resources


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

Email Us

Interested in hosting a Community Event? Please complete a Community Events Request Form and submit it to [email protected] for review and/or in the event you have any questions. 

Please note the following: 

  • That whenever possible, Community Event requests must be submitted 3 months prior to your event.
  • Your request cannot be processed unless all pages of this form are completed in full.  
  • All requests are subject to availability. 
  • Please do not assume that your request has been granted until you received CONFIRMATION from the Newmarket Recreation and Culture Department.
  • Cancellation of an event is required in writing at least 1 month prior to the event date.
  • Charges may apply for extra services requested

It is the responsibility of the event organizer to be aware of the policies and bylaws that pertain to their events and arrange for the necessary permits.  

Please scroll below to view information about each heading as it pertains to community events in Newmarket.  

  • Accessibility 
  • Alcohol
  • Amusement Devices and Inflatables (e.g. bouncy castles)
  • Animal Exemption 
  • Banners
  • Electrical Access (Hydro)
  • Filming 
  • Fire Occupancy 
  • Fireworks and Pyrotechnics
  • First Aid
  • Flag Raising 
  • Green Initiatives 
  • Insurance
  • Lighting of Riverwalk Commons 
  • Lottery and Raffles 
  • Music
  • Noise Exemption 
  • Open-Air Burning 
  • Public Health 
  • Refreshment Vehicles/Food Trucks 
  • Signage
  • Smoking
  • Stage Trailer 
  • Temporary Road Closures
  • Tents 
  • York Regional Police Paid Duty 


All events taking place on Town of Newmarket property should be accessible and comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Please click below for more AODA resources for events: 

Planning Accessible Events 

Accessibility Laws 


Any event serving alcohol must comply with and sign the Town of Newmarket’s Municipal Alcohol Policy and obtain a Special Occasion Permit (SOP) from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). Outdoor events serving alcohol are subject to management approval. 

A copy of the SOP, signed Municipal Alcohol Policy and 2 smart serve certifications for the servers at the event must be submitted at a minimum of 14 days prior to the event to: 

Recreation and Culture Department 
395 Mulock Drive 

Amusement Devices and Inflatables 

Any amusement device/activity such as inflatables or rides must be approved by the Recreation & Culture Department. Structures must be TSSA certified and the company must provide liability insurance naming the Town of Newmarket as an additional insured. Liability insurance can range from $2 million to $5 million depending on the type of activity. 

Please note that the Town of Newmarket does not permit the use of stakes (in the grass or on concrete/asphalt) to weigh down any amusement activities.

Due to insurance purposes, the Town of Newmarket does not permit inflatables that the public would climb on to be operated on Town property. This includes but is not limited to bouncy castles, inflatable obstacles, slides or trampolines. Inflatables that the public would not climb on such as arches, mascots, sport games, etc. are permitted. 

Animal Exemption 

If you are planning to have animals participating at your event (i.e: pony rides, petting zoo, etc.) then you will be required to submit the following forms to be granted permission to have animals on Town property: 

Submit completed applications to: 
Recreation and Culture Department 
395 Mulock Drive 

If an animal exemption is approved, any petting zoo will be required to submit a vendor application form to York Region Public Health.



Event organizers that wish to put up banners or flags along Main Street are required to fill out a Banner Application Form. Applications are to be submitted at a minimum of 3 months prior to installation. Completed applications can be submitted in person to: 

Recreation and Culture Department
395 Mulock Drive 

Electrical Access (Hydro)

Please note that not all outdoor venues have electrical access. In the event that the location does not have electrical access, the permit holder will be required to rent portable generators. All permit holders are required to provide their own extension cords (in good working order and certified to be used outdoors) and cable mats. As part of your site plan, please indicate what your electrical needs are (e.g. 3, 110V plugs). If you are using the Town of Newmarket’s hydro, there will be extra fees associated. If your event requires an electrical tie-in, the permit holder will be required to hire their own electrician and pay for an ESA inspection.

Fire Occupancy 

Outdoor events that will have a perimeter fence surrounding their footprint will be required to submit their site plan to Central York Fire Services to obtain an occupancy number for the site. 

Gymnasium and Arena Floor events and some Hall/Lounge events such as a trade show will need to submit their event floor plan to Central York Fire Services to obtain an occupancy number. 

Please submit your request to Central York Fire Services a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your event date.

For questions, please contact Central York Fire Services at 905-895-9222 or [email protected]

Fireworks and Pyrotechnics 

If you are planning to have a fireworks display or pyrotechnic display at your event, you will be required to submit a Display Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Application at a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your event. 

Submit completed applications in-person to: 
Central York Fire Services
984 Gorham Street, Newmarket, ON

For more information visit or call 905-895-9222

First Aid 

Event organizers must arrange for first aid to be provided at their event. First aid could be provided by certified event staff on-site, a contracted first aid company, or by York Region Paramedic Services. If you do not have York Region Paramedic Services on-site, all large events on Town of Newmarket property should notify York Region Paramedics of the event and the appropriate emergency access routes. 

Flag Raising 

Community flag raising is available at the Peace Park Flagpole on Cane Parkway. Please click here for more information. 

Applications must be submitted a minimum of 3 weeks prior to your event but not more than 3 months in advance. 

The application form is available online here. 

Green Initiatives  

Make the switch to biodegradable and recyclable food service items (e.g. cups, plates, utencils, straws etc.). 

Reduce the number of plastic water bottles at your event by applying for the York Region Tap'd Water Truck.
Click here to apply. 


All permit holders are required to have liability insurance. Liability insurance coverage may range from $2 million to $10 million depending on the type of event that you are hosting. The Town of Newmarket will advise applications as to the amount of insurance they will be required to have. 

If a permit holder is currently has a liability insurance policy, they are required to add the Town of Newmarket as an additional insured and provide a copy of the policy to the Recreation and Culture department a minimum of 14 days prior to the event.

Insurance is also available to purchase through the Town of Newmarket. This charge will be added as an extra fee to the permit. 

Lighting of Riverwalk Commons 

An event organizer may submit an application to request that the Riverwalk Commons and the Fred A. Lundy Bridge (located on Water Street) be illuminated in a particular colour to commemorate an event. Applications must be submitted a minimum of 3 weeks prior to your event but not more than 3 months in advance. 

For more information regarding lighting please click here. 

Lotteries and Raffles 

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for overseeing licensed lottery events such as bingo, raffles etc. For more information regarding eligibility, please visit . Please contact our Legislative Services department at 905-953-5300 ext. 2220 regarding steps to obtain a license. 


If your event will be playing live or recorded music, a ReSound and SOCAN charge will be applied to your permit.
For more information about each of these click below: 



Noise Exemption

The Town of Newmarket does not permit amplified sound within our parks. Any event that is planning to use amplified sound will need to apply for a noise exemption. Please visit our Legislative Services department located at 395 Mulock Drive for more information regarding the noise exemption process.

Outdoor Burning

All outdoor burning such as fire pits must be approved through Central York Fire Services. You will need to request a Special Occasion Permit for Outdoor Burning in writing explaining your event to:

Central York Fire Services 
984 Gorham Street, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 1L8

Or send by email to: [email protected]

Please submit your request to Central York Fire Services a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your event date.

Public Health 

Any event serving or selling food must comply with the York Region Public Health guidelines. Event organizers must complete and submit an Organizer Application Form at least 30 days prior to the events. All food vendors at the event must complete a Vendor Application Form at least 10 days prior to the event. 

All forms can be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 905-898-8277. 

A person onsite, present at the inspection must be certified in the Food Handler Certification Program. 

Refreshment Vehicles/Food Trucks 

An event organizer that is inviting food trucks or carts to their event must submit an Application for Special Event Organizer Licence. All accompanying documentation and payment is due when the application is submitted. Applications must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event. 

Submit completed applications in-person to: 
Legislative Services
395 Mulock Drive, Newmarket, ON

If you are a food truck or cart vendor that is looking to sign up for a year-long license with the Town of Newmarket, please contact Legislative Services for more information at 905-953-5300 ext. 2220. 


If your event requires promotional signs around Town prior to your event, you will be required to submit an Application for Sign Permit.

Submit completed applications in-person to: 
Legislative Services
395 Mulock Drive, Newmarket, ON

Click here for more information about the Town of Newmarket Sign Bylaw 

If you would like to put a road sign on a regional road, you will have to apply through York Region. 

York Region Road Sign Permit


The Smoking By-law specifies that smoking and vaping of cannabis, tobacco and other products is prohibited on all municipally-owned property, which includes facilities, parks, open green spaces and trails. The By-law provides for the provision of Designated Smoking Areas at certain Town-owned facilities, where only smoking and vaping of tobacco will be permitted.

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act prohibits smoking or vaping of tobacco or cannabis on and within any public space that is 20 metres from:
  • Outdoor grounds of Town-owned recreational facilities (such as the Magna Centre or the Ray Twinney Recreation Complex)
  • Outdoor grounds of publicly owned sports fields and spectator areas
  • Outdoor grounds of public and private schools 
  • Children’s playgrounds and children’s play areas (e.g. parks, splash pads)
The Smoke-Free Ontario Act prohibits smoking or vaping of tobacco or cannabis in any public space that is 9 metres from:
  • Restaurant and bar patios
The Smoke-Free Ontario Act prohibits smoking or vaping of tobacco or cannabis:
  • In sheltered outdoor areas (e.g. bus shelters) 
  • On hospital or community healthcare facility grounds

Special Events taking place on Town of Newmarket property can apply for a Temporary Designated Smoking Area (DSA) within their event footprint. All DSAs must abide by the Smoke Free Ontario Act. 

Cost: $50 per day
Includes: approved DSA location, signage to mark the area and receptacles for butts. 

Submit completed applications in-person to: 
Legislative Services
395 Mulock Drive, Newmarket, ON

Temporary Road Closures

Events that require a temporary road closure must fill out an application form at least 3 months prior to their event: 

Submit completed road closure applications in-person to: 
Public Works Department 
1275 Maple Hill Court, Newmarket, ON


The Town of Newmarket does not permit the use of tent pegs/stakes on Town property without a utitlity locate. All tents must be weighted down by canopy weights, sandbags, water weights, cinderblocks etc.  

Utility locates can be booked at the expense of the event organizer here. 

Tents less than 60 square meters (10’x10’, 10’x20’ and 20’x30’) can be erected without a building permit. Any tent that is 60 square meters or greater will need to receive a building permit. Please note that tents are considered new construction. 

It is recommended that building permit applications be submitted a minimum of 3-6 weeks prior to your proposed event date. 

Submit completed building applications in-person to: 
Building Department 
395 Mulock Drive, Newmarket, ON

For questions concerning the building permit, please call 905-953-5300 ext. 2400.

For more information please visit Building Permits

York Regional Police Paid Duty

Depending on the size and scope of your event, you may be required to have York Regional Police Paid Duty Officers at your event (e.g. festivals, large road closures, parades, alcohol etc.). The Town of Newmarket Recreation and Culture department, York Regional Police and the event organizers will discuss a risk assessment and the suggested number of paid duty officers required.