Zoning By-law Review

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​The Town of Newmarket is reviewing its zoning by-laws, and welcomes your input. This page provides an overview of the review, offers information on the proposed changes, and details how you can provide your feedback.

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What is this project?

A zoning by-law defines how land in a municipality is used including where different types of land uses such as residential and employment are allowed, how close buildings can be to a property line, how tall buildings can be, how much parking is required and other standards.

The current, in-effect Zoning By-law for the Town of Newmarket is Zoning By-law 2010-40, which was adopted by Newmarket Council in 2010. The Town of Newmarket is undertaking a review of Zoning By-law 2010-40 to address technical errors, improve clarity and enforceability, respond to changing legislative and judicial decisions, address new circumstances, and consolidate existing by-laws.

What is the status?

Council adopted By-law 2018-50 on September 24th, 2018, with the final recommended amendments. The By-law is available here. The Notice of Passing was in the Newmarket Era newspaper on October 4th, 2018.