Summer Hill Woods Development


Summerhill Woods development located at the corner of Mulock Drive and Bathurst Street. For more information, on the location of Summerhill Woods, please view the Summerhill Woods area map​

Remediation Work

The Town of Newmarket hosted a Public Information Centre at the Town of Newmarket Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive) on Wednesday, August 29, 2009 at 6 p.m. This public meeting provided residents updates and information regarding the remediation plan and work schedule for the Summerhill Woods area. Resdients were informed of this Public Information Centre through a letter.​ For more information, please view a copy of the PowerPoint presentation MMM Group

Soil Testing​


Testing soil is part of the normal development approval process for all developers. This land was used as an apple orchard over 50 years ago. Arsenic was a common component of insecticides used in fruit orchards until the mid 1950s and, more than 50 years later, residues can still be found in topsoil. Arsenic is also a naturally occurring element in the environment.

The concentrations of arsenic found in topsoil in the Summerhill Woods residential area are all below the Ministry of the Environment's residential land-use standard of 25 parts per million. In accordance with this standard, these levels do not pose a public health and safety concern.​​​

​​​​More information on the Summer Hill Woods Development can be found in the files below:


Ministry of Environment Reports

Letter to Residents 


Mayor's Update 


